English Reaction for Sex Variants

For years English courts! have been inclined at times tol Jail sex variants. Recently came the report of the Wolfenden Committee which recora-) mended legal reforms with a much kinder and more scientific and realistic attitude toward these unfortunate people.

For awhile the report raised hopes that British law would become more rational and more civilized, but soon these hopes, were dimmed by the opposition of the many conservative persons who, without any real knowledge of the subject, felt. that "sin" could never be condoned.

Then the British Medical Association, again apparently without much knowledge of the basic and inborn nature of reconimended


that a big psychiatric clinic be set up for the treatment of the sexual variants. I cannot see how a psychiatrist can do much good except by letting these people get things off their chest by talking out their difficulties.

As a homosexual man said to me the other day, "I have spent thousands of dollars on psychiatric treatment but to no purpose. I am the way I was born. I am not sure that I want to be different and now I am absolutely certain that I cannot be changed into a heterosexual person any more than you can be changed into homosexual one.

"I have spent months with endocrinologists being shot full of male hormone, but that never changed me in the slightest."

Dr. Alvarez cannot answer requests for information or to attempt to diagnose by mall.